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 The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of caffeine on recovery in 2000-m rowing ergometer performance.  Nine elite male rowers (age18.3 ± 1.1 year, height 185.7 ± 7.1 cm, weight 77.9 ± 8.6 kg, and body fat 8.4 ± 1.5 %) in three different trials consumed, caffeine and placebo, in random order after performing 2000m ergo rowing and repeated the same trial 24hours later. There were no significant differences among the two caffeine doses and placebo in stroke rate, power, and time. Also the Values of ∆ blood lactate concentration in three treatments did not show significant differences. Creatine Kinase levels did not show significant difference in three treatments (placebo: 873.3±210.7 U.l-1, 3mg: 905.9±191.2 U.l-1, and 6mg: 933.6±228.5 U.l-1). Individual evaluation showed worse time in 5 athletes and better time in 4 athletes for ingestion compared to Placebo. Also 2 athletes were better and 7 of them were worse after ingesting  It was concluded that caffeine ingestion had no effect on recovery (according to observeing no differences between CK and LT levels and performance in different ingestions) between training or trials for 2000m ergo rowing under the conditions of this study


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