Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under CC BY-NC 4.0 license


1 azad islamoc university

2 azad islamic university

3 Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur branch



sports exercises are known to be desirable for the improvement of many people in the society. The topic of this research was the effect of twelve weeks of combined exercises with katsu on some growth factors of young women

The statistical population of this research was inactive young women of Mashhad. Among them, 45 inactive people were randomly divided into three groups: combined training + katsu (15 people), combined training + no katsu (15 people) and control group (15 people). The current method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design. The combined training group did three resistance and aerobic training sessions per week. These exercises were done on consecutive days. The combined training group with katsu did resistance training with tying the cuff and 20% training intensity of one maximum repetition at the beginning of the training and aerobic training with 45% of the maximum heart rate and the combined training group without katsu, resistance training with 80% 1RM and aerobic training with 45% HRmax and the combined training group with katsu and the combined training group without katsu did only the combined exercises. The data were analyzed using t-correlated test, one-way analysis of variance test and Bonferroni's post hoc test at a significance level of P≥0.05 and SPSS software version 21.

Results: Statistical results showed that twelve weeks of combined training with and without katsu increased the levels of IGF1, follistatin and decreased myostatin in young women (P=0.05).



Main Subjects