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1 Professor, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Department of Exercise Physiology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Department of Exercise Physiology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of oxidative stress status resulted from aerobic interval training in type 2 diabetic patients. 24 type 2 diabetic patients under medical treatment (mean age 50.29 ± 6.50 years and BMI 27.21 ± 0.67 kg/m2) were divided into training and control groups. The training program was conducted for 10 weeks, 3 sessions per week and 40 min. with 80% HRmax. Antioxidant indices [superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX)], oxidant index [malondialdehyde (MDA)] and nitrite/nitrate (NOx) were measured. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA. Results showed that aerobic interval training significantly increased NOx (P=0.004) and GPX (P=0.001) while it significantly decreased MDA (P=0.029). This training had no significant effect on SOD (P=0.063). In addition, interval training improved aerobic fitness capacity (P=0.005), but metabolic parameters showed no significant effects resulting from aerobic interval training. Aerobic interval training increased NO bioavailability through a decrease in oxidants and an increase in antioxidants. Also, intervals of exercise training improved the oxidation status and endothelial function through an increase in antioxidants and shear stress.


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